Ozone Therapy is an alternative form of medicine to increase the amount of oxygen in the body through the introduction of Ozone (O3).
Botox / Injectables
Botox targets over-activity in facial muscles that cause dynamic wrinkling especially in between the eye and forehead. It works by...
Hair Reduction
Laser hair removal is the use of laser energy to produce long-term hair reduction. This is accomplished by producing heat in...
Laser Tattoo Removal
In recent years, tattoos have become more prevalent and vastly more colorful than ever before. Simple two-tone tattoos have been replaced...
Permanent Makeup
Wake up to your natural beauty already enhanced. Eliminate the daily hassle of your makeup routine. Have the makeup do the work for you!
Pigment Reduction
Freckles, "age spots", "liver spots", and various birthmarks are just a few of the commonly known marks, generally referred to...
Skin Resurfacing
The Er: YAG laser is widely recognized as the optimal modality for skin resurfacing. It has the highest absorption coefficient in the skin...
Acne & Pore Reduction
Acne remains one of the most common dermatological problems and affects more than 85% of all teenagers...
Scar Reduction
Erbium laser resurfacing is a procedure which wounds the skin using microscopic pulses of light. Over the course of several treatments...
IV Infusions
What is it? An IV infusion is a way of delivering medications or fluids directly into the body through a vein. A small hollow tube or cathete
Neograft Hair Transplant
Neograft Hair Transplant NeoGraft is a new automated hair transplant system which facilitates the harvesting of follicles during a Follicular
OShot / PShot
The O-shot (also known as the orgasm shot) is a nonsurgical treatment that uses a patient’s own platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to stimulate the
PRP / PRF Injections
What is PRP therapy? PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy for hair loss is a three-step medical treatment in which a person’s blood is drawn,
Thread Face Lift
A thread lift is a nonsurgical procedure that passes threads underneath the surface of your skin to lift the tissue. They may have tiny barbs
No More Cellulite! Introducing Avéli – the long-term solution setting a new standard in cellulite Avéli™ is a device used during a mini